Why yes...
... Yes that would suck... So would the Tentical Rape, Incest, and everything else that Anime can provide us with that is wrong. If that were eliminated.. I wouldn't mind having crazy powers, being able to fly, wield a massive sword, extreme speed, the ability to harness and control pure energy physically or mentally, the ability to foresight my opponent's moves, and all that jazz..
Great concept though. Your description on why an anime guy gets a nose bleed is a bit blunt though. He does get a nose bleed from a hot girl. For it to happen, something ecchi has to happen or perverted for that matter. For example: Sexy poses are most common, Perverted terms also make an addition to that. More entense the perversion the bigger the nose bleed sometimes they shoot off like rockets. Bikinis work too. So you hit it on the dot.
You did a pretty good job. Giving you a 4 and a 8. :D